Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 8, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Got a big week ahead of me. I want my bike.
Bed at 11 PM. Woke (overslept) at 7:15 AM.

Key Bike//Transition Run
WU: 15 minutes (including 6 minutes of single leg drills, 40' on, 20 off)
6' 90 RPM
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
5' 90 RPM
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
2x 50" SLD, 10" both legs (total of 4')
4' 90 RPM
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
3' 90 RPM
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
10' keeping HR in 130s, changing pace, gear, or hand position every 30"
CD: 10'
(total of 1:09

- 2' transition -

ran 2.25 miles to the 1:30 mark (7.2 mph, 180 strides per minute)
No ankle pain at all (iced yesterday after CF WOD).

HR averaged 133
watched WWII in HD (1.5 episodes), then listened to some Michael Jackson during the run. Went through three t-shirts.

This was a change of plans. I was supposed to swim today but it was raining and lightning so I didn't want to risk getting kicked out of the pool. So I just switched today's swim with the bike/run I did at lunch. I'll do the swim early in the morning (5:30 AM).

large salad and cooked veggies, beans
frozen fruit, cashews, dried banana

Have a 100 miler coming up this weekend. Weather (so far) is looking like it's going to cooperate.
I've dreamed about the Shiv the last five's got to be here soon.
I looked ahead and really as long as I have it by mid April I will be able to get in quite a few hours on it before I start tapering...but even my last long ride before the event is like 2.5 hours.

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