Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 8, Day 6 -16 week full IM training

Woke at 7 AM. Feeling better from 2 tough CF WODs this week.
Set out at noon with John. 

Key bike//transition run
100.7 miles (19.1 mph average)
4.5+ mile run
6 hours even

Absolutely NO wind. 75 degrees. Not a cloud in the sky. I'll never have another day like that on a 100 mile ride as long as I live. Absolutely perfect.
We rode on I-20 access road out to 283 in Baird. Turned South all the way to 36 about 15 miles west of Cross Plains. Rode on 36 to a gas station in CPlains. 51 miles at turnaround.

JB had his credit card when we left and when we got to gas station it was gone. We had already opened Gatorade and of the workers there was nice and bought the stuff for us. We're going to send her money. Even on a perfect day, the John and Mark Show can find something to make a story into.

Nurition: Put 2 scoop of accelerade into water bottle, took 2 other bottles with just water. At 1 hour started alternating sips of water and accelerade every 10 minutes. Took Accel gels at 2, 3, 4, and 5 hour marks. Got water in CPlains. 240 calories of accelerade (1 bottle with 2 scoops) lasted me four hours.

Race day strategy will be to have accelerade and water at T1, take a few swigs there. Then have 4 gels taped to frame, 2 bottles of accererade (2 scoops each = 500 calories) and one bottle of just water and Nuun tablet (electrolytes). Hopefully I'll have another bottle inside my frame...if my Shiv will ever get here, so I can just refill that thing every time I get water at an aid station, which will be regularly. 

I'll start alternating water and accelerade every 10 minutes starting at about the 10 miles mark (about 30 minutes in and 2 hours into the race)

I'll stop at the halfway point, get off the bike, tape 3 or 4 more gels to my frame, get another bottle of accelerade out of my special needs bag, stretch out my bike for a few minutes, and head back to T2. Haven't really thought through nutrition on the run yet...need to do that soon. 

About 20 miles to Baird, 15 to Hwy 36 and another 15 to CPlains. 283 was very sparse...very few cars or trucks. 36 had more traffic but big, wide, smooth shoulders...neither of us ever felt uncomfortable or in any kind of danger.

Got back, took about 3 minute to transition and ran just more than 4.5 miles. Feel good. Much better than the 90 miler two weeks ago.

Got the TYR transition top and bottom I'm going to wear on race day (gray instead of black) and I love the stuff. Different material but it felt great. 

My wheels and power meter should be on my bike by the time I ride 100+ next week. We went 10 more miles than the Winters ride and did it in just 20 more minutes. I'm going 6 hours next week and depending on the wind could either be at 112 (IM distance) or closer to 100.

Great day.

pre-ride - blended salad: spinach, romaine, couple spoonfuls of tahini, 2 dates, banana (1 hour before ride)
banana 30 minutes before ride.
Post-ride - 2 trips through JD salad bar, walnut/cranberry mix, swirl ice cream, JD crackers
cashews, blue corn chips and guacamole

Second day of cutting back on sugary fruit...I'm really feeling puffy and squishy. That must change...I'm sure it's because of an access of dried fruit and bananas...way too much of both.

Week 8, Day 5 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 6 AM. Had bike all ready to go in the box.
Rode 1 hour at 116 average HR. Watched first half of Man on Wire...the documentary on the guy who tight rope walked between world trade center. Fascinating.

Was going to swim this afternoon but decided to rest for upcoming training...

Green tea in morning
Handful of garlic sesame sticks, carrots/tahini dressing before dinner
Dinner - salad, lentils
Dessert - almond tahini fudge (from Eat to Live), 3 LARA bars, cashews, green tea with lemon

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