Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 7, Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

Bed around midnight...woke at 7:30 AM. Slept in Haelyn's room on the floor.

Key Swim
3,500 yards
WU: 10x 25 on 5" rest
8x 50 on 10" rest
5x 100 on 15" rest
MS: 50-150-250-350-450-350-250-150-50
with 20-30" rest between each
CD: 12x 25
Took me about 1:20. Feel fine physically.

5 rounds:
5 hanging ring extensions
5 forward rolls
5 backward rolls
10 SOTS press
for explanation click here
15:45 Would have been faster but I started getting really motion sick during the third round...dry heaved a few times...what an idiot. Right wrist hurting a bit...

Jason's Deli - spinach veggie wrap
beans, large salad, bowl of frozen fruit, few dates, raisins

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