Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 5, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 4:29 before alarm went off at 4:35 AM.

Key bike and run
10' WU including 3x 30" SLD:30" both legs (so 6 minutes total of alternating SLD)
5' aerobic threshold (AT)
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
4' AT
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
3x 40" SLD: 20 both legs (6 minutes total)
3' AT
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
2' AT
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
10' at HR#3 (kept HR in the 140s)
10' cool down (HR in 130s)

- 2 minute transition -

33' run on treadmill
kept HR in the 140s
started out at 2.0 incline, 7.0 mph
last 10' was 0.0 incline, same speed

1:37 total
I set everything up last night in my box. A lot goes into a session like this. Had to get the bike, indoor trainer, bike shorts, shirt, HR monitor, watch, CD player, audio book CDs that I listened to, run shoes, socks, bike shoes, pump, towels, spare tire, tire changing tool (just in case my tire goes out mid-ride), water, workout folder...all in the room before I went to bed.

So when I woke up, I grabbed a swig of water, hit play on the CD player and took off. Bike part took me 62 minutes. Ran just under 4 miles but not worried about distance on the run this morning. Just moving upright after the bike. My socks and shoes were squeaking on the treadmill at the end of the run they were so wet. Feels good to actually sweat since my last two long rides have resulted in zero sweat drops.

Planning on CF WOD this afternoon. Then I'm switching Thursday and Wednesday since I have a lunch tomorrow. Run/CF tomorrow, swim/bike on Thursday. Long ride/run Saturday (4 hour bike/40 minute run), then long run (12ish miles) on Sunday.

800m run
50 back extension
50 situps
20:44...super windy so the run out to the turnaround at 400m was pretty brutal.
30' total.

post brick this morning - blueberries, almonds, almond milk, flaxseed, hemp protein, carob powder, lemon juice (1/2 lemon)
Business lunch at Lytle Land and Cattle - house salad no dressing (iceberg lettuce, 2 olives, 1 grape tomato, 1 raw onion ring...the works)
Dinner - appetizer was a few carrots with salsa, large salad and cooked veggies, red lentils, few handfuls of raisins, couple of carrots with almond butter, frozen banana/mango, almonds, small cup of dry oatmeal
VFBNS day...feeling good.

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