Monday, May 30, 2011

Cap Tex Tri

Don't have my official time yet...the organizers are still sorting out the data. But I finished at 2:30 and change...was happy because it was uncharacteristically windy in downtown Austin today. It was like Abilene.

I woke at 4:30 AM (slept on a few blankets stacked up on a hard wood kitchen floor at my in-laws) and got all my gear together. Ate a few ounces of salmon, a cup of red lentils and a few celery sticks at about 5 AM. Ryan, my brother in law, went with me...we left at 5:15AM. Got to transition a little after 6:15AM. Got my transition area together and watched the pros and other age groupers start the swim. About 45 minutes before my wave started I had a banana. Ten minutes before, an Accel Gel pack.

I had a decent calf cramping like I had two weeks ago. Someone knocked off my goggles about halfway through. I had to shed my swim cap and readjust my eye-gear but managed to finish around 31 minutes. Anything around 30 for me is a good day. Choppy water cuz of the wind.

Had a good bike, felt like it anyway, won't know official time until tomorrow. Very windy. You'd hit a break in the building downtown and just about get thrown off balance. Run started off good but transition is in a pure dirt area so my feet were dirty. Caused major blisters on the backs of my feet during run. Blood was soaked thru my left shoe by the end of the race. Saw my girls and the Barkers a few times during the race. Always energizes me. My mother-in-law got some good pics. Made it out of transition and had some Mexican food downtown.

Pizza for dinner. Starting my 31 day vegan challenge tomorrow. Looking forward to it. I need to transform my body into a much leaner build by this time next year. Shooting for 170.
Will update my times when I get them.

Mark Rogers

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