Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Training in Abilene then Midland to Odessa

Visited Cross Fit Benedictus this morning in Abilene (5:15 AM). Figured I need to go see my home-town gym. Got a t-shirt, too.
WOD was 1,000m row (3:28).
Then 4 rounds for time:
10 goblet squat (53 lb KB)
10 Kettle bell swing (53 lb)
10 burpees

Did in 5:56. Pretty tough WOD. Never done that one before.

Ate afterwards...breakfast was oatmeal and a large salad (romaine, dulse flakes, nori sheet, ginger dressing, snow peas, cucumber, zucchini).
Lunch and dinner was Jason's Deli in Midland. One trip to salad bar at lunch...1.5 at dinner.

Pretty hungry at dinner after riding 40.08 miles averaging 20.6 mph from 5:15 - 7:15. Rode from my hotel in Midland to Odessa and back. Good roads out here. Pretty windy but not too bad. May try to ride again tomorrow. Had a coconut water with chlorella right after ride. And had a Raw Revolution cashew bar right before ride.

Planning on some celery tonight for snack. Had a late dinner so I don't want to eat too much.
Mark Rogers

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