Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saturday - July 2

Woke at 6 AM. CFE was Hill Repeats. Set treadmill at 7.0 incline. Ran 1 mile in 7:52, rested 2', then ran another mile in 7:46. Best time on Hill Repeats I've ever had.
Breakfast was oatmeal and vegetables.

Lunch was buckwheat and a large salad (greens, dulse flakes, tomatoes, squash, cilantro, ginger dressing).
"Weaver" at 2 PM:
4 x -
10 L-pullups
15 pushups
15 chest to bar pulls
15 pushups
20 pulls
15 pushups

...in 20:52. Did all pushups with hands coming off floor at the bottom of the rep. Really tough.
Smoothie afterwards: ice, water, hemp protein, ground flaxseed, apple, frozen banana.

Dinner was same as lunch.

Mark Rogers

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