Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 1 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:00 AM.

SR- (7:30 PM)
10 x 30"
started at 9.6 mph and went up .1 every interval ending at 10.5
incline at 7%
(30' total)

CF - (6:30APM)
275# DL X 3 (I did 225#)
115# push press x7
7 rounds
(15' total)

Breakfast - veggie drink (kale, carrots, tomato, jalapeno, ginger, sweet potato, hemp protein)
Lunch -salad (kale, spinach, jalapenos, okra, onion, sprouted mung, soaked quinoa, tahini dressing)
Dinner - salad (spinach, kale, onion, jalapeno, dulse, grated sweet potato, grated carrot, tahini dressing, sprouted mung)
Pre-workout/snack - apple cinnamon energy bar
Post-workout - almond milk with hemp protein and flaxseed

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