Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 3 Week 5 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:20 AM.
Picked up JB on way to JPAC to swim. Overslept but have a shorter swim this morning so it's all good.

SS - CFE - (5:45 AM)
1000y TT
(29:08 total)

CF - (8:00 - PM)
7x2 weighted pulls
all sets with 20# weight vest and 53# held with feet (73#)
(25' total)

Pre-workout - apple cinnamon energy bar

Breakfast - veggie drink (veggies used pictured below), jalapenos gave that one some kick, added some hemp protein as well
Lunch - salad (spinach, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, broccoli, tahini dressing, sprouted mung, okra)
Dinner - salad (spinach, kale, peppers, broccoli, okra, onion, sprouted mung, soaked quinoa, tahini dressing), slice of cantaloupe
Pre-workout - apple cinnamon energy bar
Snack - popped amaranth; bowl of raisins, grapes, walnuts; end piece of H's whole wheat bread, homemade salsa and some gross, salty chips; a handful of apple cinnamon energy spheres. Frustrating amount of food to eat right before bed...gonna try red tea at night to minimize hunger.

Two 7x2 days in a row. Have a pretty tough one in the morning..."Wilmot"

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