Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 6 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:30 AM.
Weighed 180.3.
Poop. Supposed to be 178 today. No doubt because of my nutrition on Thursday and Friday...

Headed out for a 2.5 hour ride and 40 minute run at 6:30. Made it 13 minutes in and cut my back tire. Changed it in 10 minutes and made it about 200 yards before it went down...outside tire in bad shape. Ran over something. It was dawn, little dark, couldn't see. Just going to do my CF from tomorrow today and I'll have to ride from 2-5 PM tomorrow...the heat of the day. Ugh...

Change of plans...did my Brick at 4 pm today...see details below.

CF - (8:00 PM)
21 front squat 95#
40 foot hand stand walk
30 GHD
40 foot hand stand walk

I subbed shoulder touches with my foot on top of GHD for HSW. I couldn't even come close to doing shoulder touches braced up against a wall in a hand stand...ridiculously hard.
My sub was tough enough...felt it a ton in my core as I tried to keep myself elevated.
Did in 18:40.
GHD are my daddy. Felt it more in my upper quads than anywhere else.
(30' total)

Rode 47.69 in 2.5 hours averaged 19.0 HR averaged 145 over the 3:10:00.
Ran 40 minutes (including transition time of about 4.5 minutes - came in to get some ice water for run)
Ran 4+ miles.
Happy with that considering it was 103 degrees when I started and still over 100 when I got done.

Pre-workout/breakfast - banana, small bowl of oatmeal with soaked mung beans
Lunch - salad (spinach, kale, tahini dressing, jalapeno, okra, onion, tomato, carrot, soaked mung and millet and almonds)
Pre-workout/snack - apple cinnamon energy bar
Dinner - gluten free, dairy free, vegan pizza and pale ale from Cypress
Snack - had the rest of Jenn's pizza when I got home from friends house, and some chips

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