Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Catching up...

Wednesday, November 16

CF Midland
warm up:
500m row
100 beast jump rope
4x side plank walk with band
then for time...
100 sit up
100 reverse beast jump rope
50 squat clean with 35# dumbbell

4 x 300m shuttle on 3'
all were under 1 minute

Swam in afternoon
5 x 200y on 4'
all were in the 3:41-3:44 range

Good eating day...Jason's Deli for dinner

Thursday, November 17

as many reps in 3' of
20 calorie row
30 WBS with 20#
30 box jump at 24"
20 SDHP with 100#
30 burpees
20 shoulder to overhead with 135#
did 97 reps, made it to rep 27 of box jump

Indoor trainer
9x 2:45 on, rest 1'
HR averaged 148
focused on cadence (90 rpm) not so much big gear...

Good eating day until after dinner...carob almonds, carob cubes, dried fruit...way too much

Friday, November 18

Thurdays sequence for time
Did it in 14:54 I think. Stop watch stopped during row and I didn't notice until box jumps.
Yesterday I got to the end of box jumps in 6ish minutes, I went faster this morning through the beginning reps, started stopwatch after box jumps and added 6' to the end.

Didn't get my swim in. Jenn was out of town, I was home with girls.

Terrible eating day...

Saturday, November 19

Ran 12 miles in the afternoon in 1:24:55, HR averaged 153. Great run. No pain.
Another terrible eating day. Loogi burrito night...long story.

Sunday, November 20

rest day...not my typical number of calories on Sunday. Took it easy. Look and feel bloated. Need to buckle down.

9 workouts on the week...

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