Tuesday, December 6, 2011

White Rock Half Marathon

1:28:57woke around 5 AM at Hyatt Regency in Dallas. Light rain falling outside. Stretched a little bit. Packed up what little stuff I had in room and made my way down to lobby. Bought a banana and called to get truck pulled around.

John made his way down, we hopped in truck and made our way down to Fair Park. We went a back way and ran into zero traffic. Parked SE of Cotton Bowl and sat in truck for about an hour. We put on our trash bags, throw-away sweatshirts, and made our way over to start line.

The cold wasn't too bad standing in start area waiting for the guns to go off. Rain didn't take long to soak. It hit about one mile in. From miles 2-4 my HR monitor was reading a 239 HR so I thought it was misreading or I was about to drop dead.

Here are the mile times I remember:
1 - 7:14
2 - 14:07
3 - 20:55
5 - 34:05
6 - 40: 55
8 - 54:35
10 - 1:08:25

Freezing and soaking rain throughout. Knee never started hurting though. Felt great the whole time. Missed my PR by 13 seconds. If I'd known that I would have beaten it easily.

No nutrition during race. 1 banana about 30 minutes prior. Pizza for lunch and dinner.

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