Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Books I recommend

This is on my facebook info page, too....
I highly recommend reading the following books:

In Defense of Food (Michael Pollan)
Eat to Live (Joel Fuhrman, MD)
Disease Proof Your Child (J Fuhrman)
Super Immunity (J Fuhrman)
Omnivore's Dilemma (Pollan)
China Study (T Colin Campbell)
Forks Over Knives (movie and book)
Thrive (Brendan Brazier)
Engine 2 Diet (Rip Esselstyn)
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (Caldwell Esselstyn, MD)

I've read them all but the last three I've read have been the three Fuhrman books. They have changed an already changed person even more. And changed the way I view food and my daughters...and what they eat. I've already started implementing some of the stuff and my girls have never eaten better! Very exciting...

It will be interesting to track their sickness and infections now that they are eating in a new way (granted, they are very small changes since we already fed them mostly organic, plant-based foods, but I think they will make a big difference)

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