Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 1, Day 1 - 16 week IM training

Woke at 5:30 AM. Drank some water. Put on my run gear...went outside.

CFE run
short intervals
6' of 100m on 30"
rest 3'
4' of 100m on 30"
rest 2'
2' of 100m on 30'
Did them all from 18-21 seconds. I ran between 100m that I have marked out in spray paint on a street that runs by my house. That was much tougher than I had imagined.
Didn't feel great as I was still a little bloated from my dried fruit, black bean dip smorgasbord from last night.

Played hoops at lunch.

Dinner: spaghetti squash, lentils, large salad, frozen fruit

I have four weeks of my hybrid Half IM plan before I hit the traditional full IM weeks. I feel GREAT after about 10 days off from January 7-17.

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