Monday, January 30, 2012

16 weeks to IMTX

So here's how this is going to go. I've got 16 weeks (from this past Saturday), until the full Ironman in Houston on May 19.

2.4 mile swim
112 mile bike
26.2 mile run
140.3 total miles

My goal is 12 hours but really finishing is the ultimate goal for my very first full Ironman.
Here's a way to put that length into perspective...wake up at 7 AM and imagine that at that exact moment, you enter the water to start the 3 o'clock in the afternoon (if you're on my goal pace), you would just be finishing the bike and ready to run a full marathon in about 4 hours. Thinking of it like that is NOT a good idea.

My plan consists of 16 weeks.
The first four weeks are actually weeks 5-8 of my Half IM Crossfit/Crossfit Endurance/Traditional IM training plan. The last 12 weeks are the final 12 weeks of a 24 week traditional IM training plan that I purchased.

That traditional plan calls for 2 strength workouts per week. I am going to substitute those workouts with CF workouts from the main site. I'll just see what was prescribed that week and pick two workouts that I think will benefit my training. I probably won't do anything that takes a super long time (in CF speak that's anything over about 20 minutes). I may throw in some load bearing exercises, short AMRAPs or some other relatively short Met-Cons with a little bit heavier weight.

The four weeks of the hybrid program will consist of 4 CF WODs, 3 CFE WODs (one in each discipline), and 3 traditional, high volume training sessions (one in each discipline). That's a total of 10 workouts per week.

The final 12 weeks of the program will look something like this:
Monday: 60-90' swim, CF WOD
Tuesday: "Brick bike/run" 1:15 on the indoor bike, 30ish minute run immediately following
Wednesday: 60-90' swim, (optional 60-90' easy bike)
Thursday: 60-90' run, CF WOD
Friday: optional rest day with shorter volume workouts for each discipline - so I could do nothing, 1, 2 or 3 workouts
Saturday: super long brick, anywhere from a 2-7 hour bike, followed by a 20-60' run, (optional swim)
Sunday: super long run, anywhere from a 1-3 hour run, (optional easy bike)

Because I have two young daughters, am in my last semester of my MBA, and travel quite a bit with work, I will most likely take a rest day every Friday and do an "optional" workout on less than frequent occasions. There are some Fridays that I will take vacation days because the Saturday workout will have me gone for basically the entire day.

Today is Day 1. Here we go...

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