Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 5, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7 AM

Was planning on waking at 5:30 and doing "Michael" but decided to do it either tonight or tomorrow around lunchtime.

So this is a pretty big day. Weeks 1-4 of this plan were Weeks 5-8 of the Hybrid (CF/CFE/traditional) training plan I've done three times so it was charted territory.

The next 12 weeks will be mostly out of "Ironman: Start to Finish - 24 weeks to an endurance triathlon" by Paul Huddle and Roch Frey.

I'm taking the final 12 weeks of their 24 week plan and doing it as prescribed. The only variance I'll have is in regard to the strength/weight training. This plan prescribes weight training twice a week...your standard, single joint movements. I am going to do two CF workouts.

I follow the main site about 100 days behind. So today, February 27, I am scheduled to do the main site WOD from November 14. To find my two WODs for my current plan, I'll just look at the whole week and pick two met-cons (metabolic conditioning WODs) to complete. I won't be doing any straight, load-bearing strength WODs (like 7x1 dead lift) or anything with super heavy weight.

This week will be Michael (3x 800m run, 50 back extension, 50 situps) and 15-12-9 of 135# thruster and 45# weighted pull.

Key Swim: 3,500 yards
12x75 on 15"
8x 25 on 10"
600 on 20"
2x 300 on 20"
3x 200 on 15"
400 easy
8x 25 (drills and freestyle) easy

The WU and MS took me 1:10:11. Then I did the eight 25s real slow (kick drills, freestyle, kick underwater, etc...)
Total time was about 1:20
Feel good...pruney.

veggie juice after swim
Dinner - large salad, cooked veggies (salad and veggies pictured above), beans, handful of raisins, one carrot with almond butter
Snack - frozen fruit, almonds, handful of raisins
VFBNS deviance from that.

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