Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 6, Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:30 PM. Woke at 5:30 AM.

On the indoor trainer by 5:50 AM.

Optional bike
60 minutes, steady pace with HR averaging 120.
Watched WWII in HD...almost done with series (watched two during workout yesterday) so I need to find another show to keep me occupied.

Key swim
Anaerobic threshold
WU: 4x 150 on 15"
MS: 6x 400
(400, 4x100, 400, 4x100, 400, 4x100)
400s on 30" rest, 100s on 10" rest
CD: 5x100
(2 kick, 1 drill, 2 freestyle)
Took me 1:17
Lats are SUPER sore from the 80 pullups yesterday (30 included in warmup). Low back is pretty sore, too, from the dead lift. No serious pain though.

I did ice my achilles last night and it's pretty tight today. Instead of doing my Key interval run tomorrow, I may switch tomorrow and the Friday "optional" days. I was planning on running in the morning and Crossfitting tomorrow afternoon, then doing an optional bike (60 minutes) on Friday morning. So what I may do is the optional bike tomorrow morning, skip the optional run and swim, and do the interval run Friday morning and CF Friday afternoon. Then the long ride and run Saturday...long run Sunday. Phew! About as much brain power goes into planning and nutrition as the actual physical training...

small bowl of frozen cherries/blueberries about 3 PM...feeling pretty hungry
Dinner - 3 trips through Jason's Deli salad bar, walnut/cranberry mix (quite a bit - about 2 cups). Click here and go down to "menu" for specifics.
Dessert - dried bananas, coconut dates, few carrots with homemade hummus and some with almond butter

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