Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 6, Day 7 - 16 week full IM training

Lost an hour last night. Went to bed around 10 PM...woke at 6:30 (so really 5:30).

Key Bike//Transition Run
90.5 miles in 4:55 and change. Averaged right above 18.5 mph (which is a 6 hour Ironman pace - my goal pace)
Ran 4.5 miles
Did this workout with John...took us 5 hours and 35 minutes.
Rode from his house to Winters and back. Wind pretty strong out of the south. John is way faster than me...always has to wait up for the slow poke.
Took an Accelgel at 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours and on the run. Started sipping Accelerade from 2 hours to the end. Had accelerade in my hand bottle on the run. Was feeling pretty rotten around the halfway mark but the last three gels I had came with 40mg of caffeine and that really seemed to help.
Felt OK on the run. Left ankle still hurting. Stopped at gas station in Winters to stretch and use restroom. As we were coming into Winters there was this huge barbed wire section on the shoulder. John ran over it and I barely missed it. He must've just barely missed running over one of those barbs. That would have been bad. I wore the tri suit I was wearing when I got runover (2XU). Not as much padding and my saddle area was extremely sore after the ride...walking was difficult.

Got 20 lbs of ice and made an ice bath right when I got home (10 minutes). Felt pretty bad rest of the day. Left ankle, behind my right knee, right hip, upper back....all problem areas right now. A "recovery" week couldn't come at a better time. I sure hope I get my Shiv in the next few weeks.

pre workout - blended salad 1 hour before ride, banana 15 minutes before ride
Dinner - made my own cheese-less pizza. Crust from NG, no salt tomato sauce, collard leaf, tomato, olives, bell pepper, onion, sweet potato...yum. A few recovery drinks.
Made my own guacamole (4 avocados, tomato, juice from 1/2 lime and 1/2 lemon, little bit of garlic salt, cilantro). Ate with no salt, baked chips from Natural Grocers.
Sunday treats - dried mango, Mt. Evans trail mix (from NG), raisins, 1/2 a bean burrito (leftover from Jenn's lunch), leftover grilled veggies and black beans from Jenn's fajita dinner.

Week 6 Summary:
Total volume - 15:30 (nearly 2 hours longer than last week which was the most volume I'd ever done in one week).
Did 12 of the 16 total workouts (5 of which are optional). Only ones I didn't do were the Friday swim and run, the Saturday swim, and the Sunday bike.
Swim - 2:34
Bike - 8:01
Run - 4:00
CF - 55 minutes

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