Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 11, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:30P. Woke at 4:40A.

Key bike//transition run
1:50 total
WU - 15 (including 3 x 1' SLD, 1' easy)
MS - 7' intense effort, 1' climb, 1' fast spin, 1 ' recovery
        6' intense effort, 1' climb, 1' fast spin, 1' recovery
        45" SLD, 1:15 recovery
        5' intense effort, 1' climb, 1' fast spin, 1' recovery
        4' intense effort, 1' climb, 1' fast spin, 1' recovery
        10' moderate intensity
CD - 15' easy

- 2' transition -

started run at 1:20, ran to 1:50 at 7.2 mph (8:20 pace). HR in the 137-141 range throughout.
Lots of sweat during this one.
Finished WWII in HD then watched an episode of 30 Rock. Need to find a new 1 hour series to watch.

18 box jumps, 24"
15 toes to bar
12 pulls
6 rounds...tough. T2B slowed me down.

2 glasses of green tea during morning
post-CF - in food processor: juice of 2 small lemons, frozen blueberries, carob powder, flaxseed, hemp protein, spoonful of tahini...similar to recovery pudding with no banana. Really good. Hope at half of it with me.
Dinner - salad, cooked veggies, lentils/pico
(salad: 1/2 avocado, handful of spinach, 1/2 tomato, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, red wine vinegar; pico: bell pepper, onion, tomato, lemon juice, cilantro)
Snack - cashews, oatmeal (w/ cinnamon and walnuts, carrots//almond butter

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