Saturday, May 26, 2012

Juice fast update

Down 1.3 pounds from yesterday...11 pounds total.

Last juice fast I felt pretty rotten on day 4. This day 4 I feel fantastic. Shot free throws this morning (made 46 out of 50 including 28 straight...certainly a Urban and Melissa Rogers court record which will never be broken).

Have plenty of energy today. Feel great. I'm either past the "slump" stage which hit me earlier...or I have yet to hit it. It'll be interesting to find out.

My dad watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and wants to do a 10-day juice fast...very excited about that. I would advise anyone who wants to do one to do at least five days before you fast of just VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) to get your body a little bit acclimated.

And if you do a fast...keep in mind that the first week or so (especially if you're eating a lot of inflammatory, acidic, processed foods) you're body will go through sort of a detox phase. It's like when a smoker stops smoking they feel terrible as their body starts to "heal" itself. A cigarette will cure the pain but then you're back to where you started.

If you can just hang tough through those tough few days, your life will be forever changed for the better. Anyway...Day 4 is going good.

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