Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 14, Day 6 - 16 week full IM training

Bed around 11 PM. Woke at 5:45 AM.

Drove to Beltway of the Hammer Down Duathlon. Registered, got my chip, set up transition area and set out for 30 miles. Here are the details of that ride...

30.1 miles
184 watts
19.2 mph average
126 HR average

Made it back to transition at around 8:36. Got my run stuff on, started race at 9 AM.

1.8 mile run
10 mile ride
1.8 mile run
Finished in around 55 minutes...first overall. Told myself I wasn't going to push it but ended up pushing it towards the end on the run. And you can see below that my watts and HR on the ride were higher than normal during a long ride. Fun race. I figured since it was a shorter day (70 miles) that I could spend a little time giving a little bit extra effort. 

10 mile ride specs:
10.37 miles
224 watts
20.8 mph
157 HR average

After race I set back out for another 30 miles. Both 30 miles (before and after) I did an out and back. Down Hardwick/Iberis to Bell Plains, to 127 til it dead ends by the Homeplace in Tuscola, then west to Lemons Gap road which was where I turned around. Winds were strong today. Riding with the tail wind was fun.

Normally we ride 1/2 into the wind then 1/2 with the wind. But today I battled into the wind on three separate occasions. Think that was good because there's going to be some of that on race day.

Details on second 30 miles...
30.11 miles
171 average watts
18.3 mph
140 average HR

Not sure on the exact specifics, but had 1 gel and 1 bottle of Accelerade (300 calories) during the entire race/ride. Lots of water. Pretty humid today. Total of 70.5 miles and about 4 mile run. Good day.

Optional swim:
2,500 yards total
1 hour
WU - 400 free
         300 kick
         500 free
         12 x 50 (25 free, 25 kick)
MS - 14 x 50 with varying rest intervals

Lots of kicking in this one...ugh. 600 yards worth. Good to get in the water after a long, hot day.

blended salad 1 hour before race/ride
recovery pudding after ride
juice after swim
Dinner - salad, pinto beans, carob raisins, carob cubes
Snack - 3 ezekial burritos (2 with black beans, 1 with hot sauce), chips//guacamole, brown recovery drink
Would have eaten something sweet but we didn't have anything!
Long run and CF tomorrow and we're into week 15...crazy.

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