Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 15, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at midnight...woke at 8 AM.

Key ride//run
WU - 15' (including 4' of 30" fast, 30" easy)
MS - 10/8/6/4/2 with 3' recovery between each
CD - 15'

- 3' transition

ran about 2 miles
total time was 1:30
HR averaged 117

CF 806
4 x OHS (95, 105, 115, 115)
4 x back squat (185, 225, 225, 225)
20 x 40y shuttle
8 x thrusters with 95#
8 x kettle bell swing with 1.5 pood
4 burpees
5 rounds + 2 thrusters

Tough hour at CF 806. Love it.

strawberries before CF
Dinner - 2 trips thru JD salad bar, 5 crackers
Snack - cashews, carob cubes, 2 LARA bars, strawberries, leftover veggies from Jason's

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