Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 16, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:30 PM. Woke at 6:30 AM.
Didn't sleep very well...but feel a little better this morning. Fever feeling is gone. Now I just feel like I'm breathing through a straw...coughing up and blowing out some nasty stuff. Great timing...

I think my body thought graduation was the end of my stressful time and gave up not knowing we still had one week to go.

Total rest day...
Picked Hope up out of her pack n' play after nap and had an incredibly, horrible sharp pain shoot through my right foot. What the heck? Basically crumbled to the ground while making sure Hope got back on a soft landing spot. REALLY nervous about my stupid foot. Never felt anything like that before. If that pain comes back, I won't be able to even walk a marathon...trying to stay positive though. Was probably just an awkward position holding a little chunky baby.

Checked - in at Ironman village this afternoon. Drive to Houston was terrible. I don't know why anyone would choose to live here. Got a really cool backpack.

Planning on swimming and riding a little tomorrow morning before checking stuff in. Then will have the rest of the day to relax tomorrow.

Tonight was bad. Foot feels terrible. Iced before bed then was up from about 2-4 AM with it shooting pain through my foot and leg....really scared this is going to cause me to have to walk the marathon. I'm just sick worrying about it.

juice this morning (all juices last few days have been apples, carrots, broccoli, celery, sweet potato)
juice at hotel around 3 PM
2 packets of Emergen-C.
Dinner - 2 trips through Jason's Deli, walnut/cranberry mix
Snack - JD crackers, raw veggies with hummus

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