Monday, June 11, 2012

Catch up...

Sunday, June 10

Ran 13+ miles from downtown San Francisco to the other side of Golden Gate Bridge...picture above.
Incredibly sore from last two days. Every time I sit down for more than 5 minutes it takes me about 10 to get going again...

Had a surreal moment with Andy Potts. Passed him on an isolated staircase at base of Golden Gate Bridge. He was leading the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon and I just happened to be running down the staircase while he was going up...just me and him. Totally quiet. Really cool moment.

mixed nuts from plane ride
cooked veggies
small bowl of ice cream
berries after run
chips and hot sauce

Saturday, June 9

CF Soma
Hope workout

3 x
power snatch 75#
box jump 24"
thruster 75#
chest to bar pulls
rest 1'

do each movement as many reps as possible in a minute with no rest between 1 minute after completing all five, then do it twice more.
Did 203 reps. Super tough.

frozen strawberries after WOD
BRD, whole foods salad and sushi, leftover avocado rolls from California Pizza kitchen. Ice cream, SF chocolate, carob cubes, cashews/walnuts

Friday, June 8

CF San Francisco

"Nasty Girls"
3 x
50 air squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans 135#

warmup was a mile run, then we did 3 x 400m runs
Did first set of MUs unbroken...happy about that.

berries after WOD
salad from whole foods
nuts, carob cubes, LARA bar

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