Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fun Saturday

Seems like it's been a while since we haven't had anything to do on a Saturday.

Woke at 6 AM.
Rode 30 miles with Tyler Maylone. Averaged about 19.5. Wind not too bad.
Watts right at 195. HR averaged 139. Nice easy ride.

15 box jumps 24"
12 push press 115#
9 toes to bar
Did 9 rounds plus 10 box jumps...brutal. Shoulders are killing me.
Did my shoulder strength work after WOD, too.

1/2 banana before ride
4-5 small buckwheat pancakes after ride (made them for girls this morning)
leftover hummus from last night, ate with raw cauliflower and broccoli
Dinner: 2 trips thru JD salad bar, last bowl of my veggie/bean soup, raw veggies and hummus
Stopped eating at 8 PM and didn't have anything else...going to start doing that every day except Sundays. Best eating day I've had in a while. Mowed the grass today, too.

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