Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 6, Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Long Bike
25 miles
20.32 mph
134 HR
192 watts
1:13:50 time

Rode up and around lake. Good ride. Wind not too bad. Legs still very fatigued but I think this ride will loosen them up a little bit for my race in the morning.

Post-Wod - smoothie (2c spinach, 1c blueberries, 1c water, 1c ice, vega protein, flax seed)
Dinner - spaghetti squash, large salad, lentils, strawberries, broccoli and homemade hummus

Was extremely full after eating all of that for dinner but shut down the eating at 8 PM. Felt great and was down another pound today.

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