Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday - rest day

No training today but had an awesome day of eating!

Breakfast was buckwheat pancakes and hemp milk.
Lunch was salad and minestrone at Olive Garden.
Dessert was bowl of frozen bananas, cashews, coconut dates and carob energy cubes with honey on top.
Dinner was spicy avocado salad, vegan burger pattie topped with black bean lime salsa and a banana bread energy bar. Dessert was bowl of mangos, bananas, carob energy cubes, cashews, raisins, dates. Then I had some wheat crackers with the rest of the black bean salsa.

All recipes came from Thrive and were all vegan.
This is day 21 of vegan challenge and I feel great.
Weighed 178.5 on Saturday morning. Happy about that.

Mark Rogers

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