Saturday, July 9, 2011

50 mile ride

Woke at 5 AM.
Bowl of oatmeal and a couple celery stalks.

Rode 50.17 miles in 2:30:46. 19.9 average. 135 average HR. 10-12 mph winds...not too bad.
Rode a new route for the end of Old Coleman Hwy and back. Pretty substantial hill. Great ride...really fun.

Made some "recovery pudding" last night and had it when I finished (banana, blueberries, raspberries, almonds, ground flax, hemp protein, carob powder, rooibos, lemon juice). Amazingly good.
Lunch was red lentils (with nutritional yeast sauce on top) and a large salad (spinach, onion, sprouted quinoa, tomato, carrot, cucumber, peppers, dulse, dried lily, dressing - balsamic vinegar, nutritional yeast, dill, cayenne pepper). Spicy salad...loved it.

Done for the week. Back at it Monday.

Mark Rogers

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