Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday - July 8

Woke at 4:15AM. Had my last apple cinnamon energy bar and taught RPM at 5:35AM.
Breakfast was oatmeal and some celery. Put hemp protein and ground flax seed in the oatmeal.

Lunch was at Chili's. I asked the waitress if she had anything vegan. They brought me a salad topped with avocado, chopped red pepper, and a black bean "burger" pattie. It was actually pretty good.
Dinner was my last serving of barley flakes and a large salad (spinach, romaine, squash, tomato, onion, dulse flakes, dried lily pedals, balsamic vinegar).

CF WOD was 21-15-9 of 225# deadlift and 95# overhead squat in 9:18. Did DL on back porch and OHS in back yard. Pretty gassed.
Snack was some unsalted pistachios, celery and a bowl of plain oatmeal.

Mark Rogers

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