Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 4 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5 AM

CF - (CF806 6:00 AM)
Did WOD this morning to make up for last night. 
3x5 back squats (165)
135# squat clean

CFE - SS (2x8:2 3:00 PM at JPAC)
cut the warm up short because there was heavy lightning overhead...kind of spooky.
450m on first interval...about 440 on the second. Feeling better in the water.

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - adzuki beans, salad (spinach, homemade tahini/dill dressing, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, other fresh veggies)
Dinner - same as lunch and some almond butter/celery, walnuts (handful)
Snack - carob cubes, dates

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