Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 5 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4 AM

SB (5:35 AM):
Taught RPM
45 minutes, HR averaged 126.

CF (7:00 PM):
Row 5K
Hate this's never ending.

Pre-workout - Mango coconut energy bar before run
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp and flax, celery/hummus
Lunch - 1 trip through Jason's salad bar
Pre-workout - mango coconut energy bar
Dinner - pizza night, organic, whole wheat pizza crust with homemade sauce, sesame seeds, chili pepper, rosemary, oregano, spinach, tomato, bell pepper, onion...had about five pieces. Slice of cantaloupe
Snack - glass of wine, popped amaranth, celery/almond butter

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