Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 7 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM.
Taught 3rd grade Sunday school by myself...J and Little H stayed home.

LS - (2:30 PM)
10' warmup (400 yards)
30' time trial
1590 yards
5' cool down
Swam at JPAC...heat wasn't an issue. Feel good.

CF (8:30 PM)
15 thruster with 95#
15 bar facing burpees
Did at dusk in backyard. Pretty beat up from last few days but feel relatively strong. Took me a little longer than I thought...was shooting for 15:00. Shoulders, traps, legs, lats particularly sore.

Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp, cacao nibs and flax
Lunch - salad (romaine, onion, jalapenos, cucumber, carrot, tomato, sprouted mung beans, ginger carrot dressing), split a bag of carob covered almonds (no sugar) with H on way home from church, had a Carob candy bar (no sugar), too. Also had a bag of energy cubes after lunch.
Dinner - sweet potato chips (sliced raw sweet potato in microwave, nothing added), piece of H's bread with almond butter
Dessert - bowl of frozen bananas, mangos and grapes with honey. Few of my homemade energy bars. Few carob cubes. Made an AWESOME new dish...two frozen bananas, a few frozen mango chunks, 1 tsp vanilla, small amount of soy milk (unsweetened, maybe a tbsp), pureed in food processor. Makes an ice cream-like dish. Really good. Going to experiment with frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc, and put different toppings on it. I'm on to something!!!

Week recap:
CrossFit - 1:50
Swim - 1:20
Run - 2:13
Bike - 2:51
Total - 8:14

Feel good through three weeks of training. Haven't missed a workout yet.
Body feels good. Always a little wary of my lower right back (the last thing I injured - May 2010), but it felt fine through tonight's WOD (thrusters).
My shoulders are pretty sore - my thought is because of the big increase in my swim volume the last three weeks. Went from nothing to about 90 minutes a week. Just need to take it easy on them.

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