Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 2 Week 7 - 12 Week Half IM training

Woke at 5:30 AM
Day 2 of 21 until US Open (tomorrow will be 19 to go)

CF (6 AM)
Reps of Pulls ups, then burpees
Absolutely brutal. I hate burpees. Could hardly shower or get my breakfast together my arms were so useless and shaking.
(37:30 total)

LR (5:00 PM)
16 miles in Amarillo down Interstate 40
Stiff wind coming out of the west and that's how I went out of the gate.
I went out first and spray painted mile markers at 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.
Into the wind I was right at an 8 min/mile pace at the turnaround (had to have a BM in a corn field about the 7 mile mark...wonderful). 1:05 at turnaround. Finished in 1:22:05.
Stopped and walked at 8, 10, 12, 14. At 10 and 14 went looking for an outdoor water spout. Needed water.
I had 16 ounces with me and two gels (took at 8 miles and 12 miles). Started getting some right hip pain around mile 4. If I pushed the hip in right when my foot came off the ground it would go away for a bit. Weird, need an adjustment. Wore Brooks racers and Zoot calf sleeves.
HR averaged 160.
Felt feverish afterwards. Drove to dinner with the heat blaring...freezing. Not a great run but haven't run that far since Whiterock last year. We'll see what I feel like in the morning.
(2:22:05 total)

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - spinach, mung bean sprouts, carrot, tahini dressing
Lunch - pictured below (salad bar from United in Amarillo - toppers were pumpkin seeds and balsamic vinegar and mung bean sprouts
Pre-workout (run) - 2 spicy banana energy bar
Dinner - salad from United, cashews, mango tea, coconut water, celery/almond butter, pumpkin seeds

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