Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 3 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

 Woke at 5 AM. Feel like I got hit by a truck. Leg joints sore. Arms and back sore. Neck. Leg muscles. Everything. Almost went back to sleep but made a decision to go through the CF 806 warm up and see how I felt.

CF 806 (6 AM)
5 x
135# power clean x 3
20 burpees
Felt OK after warm up, went ahead with WOD. Sick of burpees.
(22:31 total)

LS (9:30 AM)
Zach's Club in Amarillo
WU: 500, 8 x 50 on 15"
MS: 2000 TT (38:57)
100 easy
CD: 200
3200 total
Great swim for me.

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with cacao
Lunch - one trip through JD salad bar, then a plate of broccoli, carrots, peppers and hummus
Snack - Lara bar
Dinner - Salad from United, cashews, handful of carob energy nuggets, pumpkin seeds, sprouted mung
Snack - Lara bar, celery/almond butter, dry oatmeal

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