Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 2 Week 8 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4:45 AM
Bed at 10:30 PM

LS (5:30 AM)
ACU rec center
WU: 400
MS: 400
       400 with paddles
       300 swim
       300 fast
       300 with paddles
       6x50 fast on 60" RBI
CD: 100
2,500 total
(57:01 total)

CF (8 PM)
7x1 snatch balance
focusing on form and technique
(20' total)

Breakfast - mango energy bar (80 cals), 1/2 c almond milk, 1/2 c frozen blueberries, 1 tbsp hemp protein (105 cals) = 185 total
Lunch - lunch appt cancelled on me, so I just stayed in office and worked
Dinner -large salad and bowl of soup (same as last night). Almond, flax burger (from Thrive book)...to get my fat. Celery/almond butter. Blue corn (no salt) chips with homemade bean salsa. 2 carob cubes. 2 coconut mango energy bars. Slice of cantaloupe. Slice of bread.

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