Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 5 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6 AM (bed past midnight)

LB (7:00 AM)
WU: 15'
15' easy spin
15' easy spin
28.84 miles
20.2 mph
130 HR
good, solid ride
(1:25:33 total)

CF (4 PM)
225# DL
27" box jump
(rx'd was 315# DL and 30")
(20' total)

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with flax and hemp
Lunch - salad (sprouted legumes, raw veggies, ginger dressing)
Pre-workout - energy bar
Dinner - vegan pizza on gluten free crust, Pale, couple slices of Jenn's pizza (cheese on it)
Dessert - Nikki's (no sugar added with blueberries, kiwi on top), 2 bean burritos
not a good eating day b/c of the very end...

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