Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 6 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6 AM

LS (2 PM)
WU - 300
MS -
4x 200 on 30"
8x 100 on 15"
200 kick
6x 100 on 10"
CD - 200
Felt good in the water.
(1:05:02 total)

CF (4:30 PM)
"Amanda" 9-7-5
Muscle up
135# squat snatch (I did 95#)
Did snatch on back porch. Pretty sore from yesterday (lower and upper back), but MUs weren't too difficult.
Form on snatch is getting much better and have more confidence with it
(20' total)

Breakfast - wheat toast, sprouted legumes
Lunch - Abuelo's (raw zucchini and squash with hot sauce), Jenn's leftover beans and potatoes, couple of flour tortillas
Pre-workout - energy bar
Dinner - vegan pizza with gluten free crust
Snacks - unsweetened carob almonds, dried mangos, mango puree dairy&sugar-free yogurt thingy, carob cubes (raw, vegan), banana/blueberry puree with soy milk and vanilla - almonds on top)

Week 6 Totals
Swim: 1:42:02
Bike: 2:10
Run: 1:50:24
CF: 1:25
Total: 7:07:24
Scale-back week, long bike was pretty short, and I skipped one CF plus the 4 CF that I did do were relatively short...none more than 25'

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