Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Catch up...

Sunday, November 27

rest day

Double Dave's for lunch
Spinach veggie wrap from JD for dinner, carob almonds, Nana's cookie, Lara bars for "treats"

Saturday, November 26

HSPU, abmat, squat, DBU with 115m run in between each set

Indoor trainer
middle gear up front, B-3 during first round, B-2 the final four rounds
HR averaged 142, RPM stayed at 90 during working phases

Made it home tonight. Had a bean burrito and some leftover pizza tonight...also a bunch of carob almonds.

Friday, November 25

Travel WOD
Run 800
100 burpees
Run 800
getting better at burpee endurance

no CFE today

Didn't go crazy on food but didn't track it tonight. Big salad, cooked veggies, eggs, chips/salsa, granola bars, fruit, biscuits/honey...felt like I needed the calories.
Worked at farm today (fed cows) and played outside with cousins in Lometa.

Thursday, November 24

Travel WOD
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
10-8-6-4-2 HSPU

no CFE

Good eating day. Didn't eat with everyone during lunch (watched/fed girls). Had normal meal at night. Lots of veggies, eggs, some frozen fruit

Wednesday, November 23

Did WOD from 11/20
20 WBS with 20#
30 toes 2 bar
40 power clean with 135#
50 burpees
60 SDHP with 75#
cleans took me the longest...tough WOD

Indoor trainer in Georgetown tonight
6x2:2 with RPMs at 90
HR averaged 146
middle gear up front then B-2 on the back during work phases

Good eating day...1,800 cals
berries, large salad, eggs, refried beans, oatmeal, mangos

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