Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Monday, November 28

Ran 8 miles
HR averaged 151
Time: 57:32
Feel great except for right patella. Going to ice and rest it for the rest of the week. Half marathon is this weekend. Would have finished with sub-7 min pace but had to stop and "unload" about the 4.5 mile mark...per usual.

Death by HSPU/Pullups
continuously running clock, each minute add 1 HSPU and 1 pullup. I got to the 10th minute and only did 5 HSPU, but continued the pullups until 19th minute. Did 18 rounds with 14 pulls.
Think that makes my score 27 (9+18). Right index and pinky fingers had small tears. Tough...

blueberry shake after run
dinner was large salad, cooked veggies, egg/oatmeal "pancake"
Snack was Ezekial burrito, mangos/bananas, oatmeal
1,500 calories.

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