Friday, November 11, 2011


RPM this morning...
Woke at 4:15 AM. Moved 30 bikes into fitness room. No one showed up. I decided to go ahead and get a workout in since I was already up there...rode on stage by myself.

Total time was 46:45
HR averaged 141 (started watch after warmup)
Did tracks 1,2,3,4, then 2 track 5s and 2 track 7s

Swam at lunch
10 x 100 on 2:00
First one was 1:41, the next few were 1:43, then kept them right around 1:46 the rest of the time...focused on stroke count per length which I tried to keep around 14/15.

Played basketball for 1.5 hours after swim.
Went and saw Dr. Nick this morning...I wasn't as out of alignment as usual...think it's the way I've been crossing my legs...seriously.
Left hip felt a little funny while playing hoops...hope it's nothing.

blueberry milkshake (hemp protein, flax, blueberries, almond milk, water, ice). Had 1/2 after RPM and 1/2 after swim and hoops.
Large salad, cooked veggies, eggs/oatmeal
organic bean burrito and frozen bananas for snack

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