Tuesday, November 15, 2011


CF Midland
warmup (pictured above) brutal

3 rounds of:
135# power clean
gorilla pull ups (strict with hands close together)
So a total of 72 cleans and 72 pullups
Did it in 22:22, pretty brutal but feel good.

Left calf felt weird during 400m warm up run. REALLY tight.

Ran 10 miles this afternoon.
HR averaged 158.
Hips never started hurting. Focused on taking short, fast steps...staying out of hips. And keeping feet from running too close on the same line...feet separated on each step. Calf felt tight but that was the least of my worries. Basically ran the same time as last week in Lubbock and had no weird pain...good sign.

Another good eating day. Jason's Deli for dinner.
Snacks from Natural Grocers, but tracked everything.
Probably burned 3,500 cals today with that 10 miler.

Total cals was 1,847
14% protein
65% carb
21% fat

Goal is to hit 24 of next 28 days as "good" eating days. So far...two for two.

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