Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Woke at 6 AM

CFE bike
long intervals
1:2 ratio
4x2 miles (I did 5 minutes instead so I could do it inside)
Warmed up 5 minutes, then did first phase of work (middle gear up front, B-2 in the back), 90 rpms
rested 10' (made haelyn's lunch)
5' at 90 rpm, 10' rest
5' at 90 rpm, 10' rest
5' at 90 rpm, stretched
HR averaged 119 and stayed around 150 during phases of work. Not a huge fan of the 1:2 ratio. That's a LOT of rest.

Crossfit Total
not a big fan of doing this just because going to heavy will only lead to an injury. Planning on going moderately heavy at ACU SRWC this afternoon.
Shoulder press - 135
Squat - 250
Dead lift - 300
685 total
way less than what I've done in the past, but didn't have spotter and am not trying to injure myself.

Watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" yesterday. Planning on doing a 15 day juice fast in January before my IMTX training starts.

blueberry  milkshake before CFT
dinner - steamed salmon, wild rice, large salad, cooked veggies
snack - Ezekia burrito, frozen fruit

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