Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 3, Day 6 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 6:45 AM
Did the above CF WOD at around 10 AM.
OHS = overhead squat
L-pull are dead hang pullups with your legs straight out in front of you (these turn into "h-pulls" for me very quickly)
Did jerk instead of split jerk...where you throw the weight up over your head and catch it in a quarter squat before opening up the hips all the way to start the next rep.
K2E, knees to elbow from the pullup bar
HC = hang clean (did power hang clean)
BE = back extension

Long run
12 miles in 1:32:20.
Was on an easy sub 7:30 pace but had to stop and relieve myself in broad daylight. Stupid intestines. 
Hips REALLY hurting towards the end of this run. Didn't think that would happen since I'd run 8.5 and 10 miles the last two weeks. Maybe because those were interval runs?? Hopefully it's just my body getting used to the volume and I'll be fine on my next long one...two weeks...another 12 miler.

blueberry/spinach "ice cream" with hemp protein and flax (both girls ate it, too!)
Blended salad before run (spinach, romaine, banana, dates, 1/2 avocado)
Post-run - celery/almond butter
President's Circle dinner at ACU (steamed veggies, salad, tuna, tea, coffee), Nikki's afterward with girls, stopped and got 2 cheese-less burritos, too. Didn't eat much at PC dinner. Blue corn chips, frozen fruit.

Week 3, Day 5 - 16 week full IM training
woke at 5:30 AM

CFE short swim
10x 50y with 2' RBI and a t-shirt on
did them all in 44-46"

35 DBUs
1 snatch
post time and total weight

about 7.5 minutes and 805 pounds (115 per round)

Hoops at lunch.

3 trips through Jason's salad bar for dinner (cranberry/walnut mix for "dessert")
crackers from Jason's. Celery and almond butter.

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