Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 4, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Can't believe it's already week 4.

Woke at 6:45 AM. Feel good. Normally on a day I have a no limit calorie consumption I feel bloated and puffy all night and the next morning...don't feel that way today.
And I'm not nearly as sore as I thought I'd be. Legs feel fine this morning.

30 WBS
30 75# squat snatch
pictured above...this one was tough but I feel strong on the snatch lift.

veggie juice after WOD
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, northern beans, the rest of my carob (raw, vegan) cubes and dried mangos. Then had some blue corn chips and a couple of dates.
Good day...

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