Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 5, Day 6 - 16 week full IM training

Went to be last night around 11 PM. Woke at 7:30 with girls. I like riding in the afternoon so I can sleep in.

Long ride (short run)
72.5 miles in 4 hours
ran 4.5 immediately off the bike.
With transition the whole workout took me 4 hours and 40 minutes.
HR averaged 134.

56ish degrees when I started. Wind out the NW so I rode NW to ride into it...then have it at my bike on the way home. Went up Eastlake to 1082, turned left up around the lake, over the dam, left on Westlake, then right on 1082 to Hawley. Quick right in Hawley at 1226 then left on 3326 all the way up to the 277 access road. A dog came running at me today, scared the daylights out of me. I was SURE it was going to bite my leg. I was moving as fast as I possibly could and that dog was just jogging next to me like it was nothing. Big dirty, mean looking a lab/german shepherd mix or something. So I turned right on the access road and rode up about a mile past the courthouse in Anson. That was 36 miles.
Coming back was fun with a tailwind. I decided to skip the dog run, so instead of turning left on 3326, I just kept following the access road back to Hawley (about 12 miles from Anson). I stopped to use the facilities at a gas station in Hawley, then turned left on 1226. I was supposed to be at the 52 miles mark at 1226 and 1082 but was at 49 since I took a different way back. I turned up 3326 for 1.5 miles and came back so I was at 52 when I started back on 1082, 20 miles from home.

Averaged a sub 8 minute/mile pace on the run. Feel good on the runs after long bike the last two I could just keep going. Took my hand bottle with my Accelerade leftover from bike.

Nutrition on the bike was an Accel gel at the 2 hour mark and the 3.5 hour mark. I sipped water and Accelerade starting after 2 hours every 20 minutes or so. Still didn't sweat very much. Wore my base layer top and florescent jersey, bib, and zoot socks.

Lower back was never an issue. No pain anywhere on body. Averaged 18.1 mph, which is slow for me. I'm hoping the Shiv will add a mile an hour or two over a long course like that. If I could average 18.6 at IMTX, that would get me off the bike in 6 hours. That Shiv should allow me to average in the 19s. Riding IMTX on the Tarmac will probably slow me down a good 30 minutes at least.

Next week, John and I are going to ride 90 miles (which will be the longest I"ve ever ridden) and run for about 40 minutes. I've ridden to Albany, Anson, Hawley, Buffalo Gap, Tuscola, Clyde, and Baird. If the wind is out the NE next week, John and I might just have to ride to Breckenridge.

pre-ride - blended salad (romaine, spinach, 1/2 avocado, 2 dates, banana)
post-ride - recovery pudding (blueberries, banana, almonds, carob powder, hemp protein, flaxseed)
Rest of the day (in no particular order) - recovery drinks, large salad, kale with creamy cashew sauce (out of Eat to Live...REALLY good), large bowl of pinto beans, blue corn chips, end piece of Ezekial break with almond butter), 2 cheese-less burritos, a few dates and raisins...was too full to eat the frozen cherries I got. Figured I burned at least 4,000 calories today.
Non VFBNS: bread, tortillas, chips

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