Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 5, Day 5 - 16 week full IM training

(workout/menu detail below)

Found out yesterday that Specialized is now saying my bike is going to ship "early April" changed from "late March". It was originally December, then January, then February...I'm sick about it.

I called Specialized this morning and the guy I talked to said he saw the Shiv Comp on the stand yesterday...if that's accurate, that means that the Shiv Comps are all ready to ship, just making sure there are no defects. IF that's the case, I'll have it soon and they're just saying April to make you happy when you get it early (last year they said April and I had my Transition in February).

Worst case scenario is that I would get 5-6 hours on the Shiv before the race which means I could get it early May and be OK...but I WANT IT NOW (said like the girl from Willie Wonka's).

Anyway...Haelyn woke at 2:30 and had some stomach issues...ended up throwing up but only once and is fine this morning. I believe that her exceptional diet has strengthened her immune system and she kicked the crud out of a stomach bug in like an hour. She hasn't had any animal products (except for the cheese on the pizza she eats at school on Fridays) since December. She fought off a virus in like 36 hours a few weeks ago, too...those usually go 5-6 days.

I ended up sleeping with Haelyn on the floor of her room, didn't go back to sleep until about 4 AM. Needless to say, I didn't wake and ride for an hour at 5:30 AM. Next thing I know it's 8:30 AM. I rode at lunch.

Optional Bike
60 minutes at 125 average HR. Watched second episode of WWII in HD. Been on a WWII kick lately, books and now this show. Makes me realize that my stupid bike being my biggest concern right now is actually a pretty great life.

95# thruster
25# weighted pull

Optional swim:
WU: 600y
400 kick (getting better at this)
8x100 on 15" rest
MS: 8x 50y on 1' rest
(43, 43, 44, 42, 42, 41, 40, 40)
Great times for me...great overall swim.
Total time was 1:09:03

Large salad, cooked veggies, big bowl of pinto beans (been cooking all day). 
Sliced up a sweet potato in my food processor, baked the slices at 350 for 10 minutes. Ate those while I finished cooking, too. Hope loves them.
Dessert was 3 dates, some raisins and cashews.
Appetizer (while cooking) was a few carrots with almond butter.
(Hope ate a ton of my cooked veggies - mainly the carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, and broccoli).
Snack - frozen bananas/mangos, raisins, cashews
total VFBNS day...fifth in a row.

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