Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 10, Day 7 - 16 week full IM training

Blah day...
Woke at 6:45 and got all my running stuff on to run a 1:10 workout.
Decided to wait until nap time and run when it was hotter so I didn't go out.

It ended up raining super hard all through lunch and the rest of the afternoon so I decided to not get out in that and take a rest day...which would make my second of the week. NOT good.

Took a nap instead. I know missing one run isn't going to mess with me at all, it's just annoying. I wanted to be able to say I never missed a key bike or run. Still got 10+hours of volume in.

I also toyed with the idea of running when I got home, but by the time we unloaded car and got girls to bed it was 10:30 PM. Oh happens.

Ezekial toast with almond butter in morning
afternoon - celery with hummus and almond butter, cashew clusters (have sugar in them), trail mix, slice of angel food cake
Dinner - cooked veggies with diced tomatoes, oatmeal with cinnamon and walnuts, small bowl of fruit (half a banana, about 8 cherries)

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