Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 11, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:30P. Woke at 5:30A.

Key run
WU - 20 minutes (including 6 accelerations - 60 steps/20 seconds)
MS - 40' tempo (HR in the low 150s throughout)
CD - 15' including 2x40 butt kicks, high knees, skipping
HR averaged 139

CF Boom
3x max reps (each arm) of shoulder press with 1.5 pood KB
struggled out 15 reps each arm...brutal.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
1.5 pood KB swing
wall climbs
19:28, cap was 20'
Shoulders are absolutely fried.

celery at 2 PM
Dinner - 3 trips through JD salad bar
spirulina/carob cubes, cashews, 2 LARA bars, canned beans with homemade pico

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