Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 14, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:45 P. Woke at 6:45 AM.

Jenn out of town so I got girls to bed and to school solo.

Recovery swim
WU - 5 x 200 on 20" rest
MS - 12 x 100 on 15" rest
        12 x 75 on 15" rest
CD - 400
Good swim. Feel good in the water.
Sat in cold tub before this so the pool felt like a hot tub.

5 x
12 wall ball shots with 20# ball
12 toes to bar

Veggie//Bean soup: 2 c carrot/celery juice
                           2 c water
                           2 c chopped kale
                           3 chopped tomatoes
                           2 chopped onions
                           4 chopped carrots
                           1/2 c each of split peas and bean soup mix (lots of different beans)
                           2.5 tbsp Vegebase
                           1/2 tbsp Mrs. Dash table blend
                           Put in a pot and cook for 90 minutes...yum yum.
Had salad, veggie//bean soup for dinner
Cooked broccoli, too
juice at lunchtime
Snack - cashews, end piece of Ezekial (no salt added) bread, celery/almond butter
3 dates, bowl of frozen fruit

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