Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week 15, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:30 PM. Woke at 5:50 AM.

Key run
WU - 15'
MS - 4x 3:3
CD - 15'
Went close to six miles. Cold this morning. Hard to type. Hands numb.
50' total.

Finished my MBA last night. Weird feeling. Like a huge weight has been lifted. Can't believe I'm done.
First morning to look at 10 day forecast for Woodlands.
88/71 degrees, 20% chance of rain. SSE winds at 9 MPH.
That will no doubt change every day, but those conditions would be perfect.
Let's stay < 90 degrees, < 10 mph winds, no rain, mild humidity...

7 front squat w/ 135#
7 chest to bar pullups
Slow...going to be sore, too. Especially after all those thrusters the other night.
That will be my last CF WOD until the first week of June so I wanted to do something "violent."
Next week is race week...then I'm taking two weeks off afterwards. Plan to start CF again in San Francisco.

2 lbs of strawberries from time of waking until I got home.
Dinner - salad, cooked veggies, lentils with pico (Haelyn and Hope ate most of the lentils...ha!), LARA bar, 5 dates, celery//homemade salsa
Snack - cashews, frozen bananas/mangos

Complete rest day tomorrow.

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